
If you're interested in getting connected at Vida Springs Church, any of our events are a great opportunity to get started:

Team Vida
Team Vida
May 5th, 5:30-7:30pm
Light dinner & childcare, starting at 5:00pm
Team Vida is a monthly meeting for everyone who serves in any capacity at Vida Springs Church. This is also where we take the Lord's Supper. If you're interested in starting to serve, feel free to email us at
Discipleship Communities
May 7th-9th, 6:30-8:00pm
Dinner & childcare provided
Discipleship Communities are a once-a-month event for our small groups. Join us at the church on the night of the week your small group would typically meet for a chance to interact with other small groups, hear about the month's topic for Bible discussion in small group, worship together, and more.
Wednesday Prayer
May 8th, 7:00-8:00am
Kids Building
This is a weekly time to gather and pray together as a church. You are welcome to join us for the full hour or come for part of that time.
Parenting Training Part One
May 19th, 5:00-7:00pm
Parents are invited to our workshop focusing on the Biblical practicals of parenting. Our hope is that you will leave more equipped as a parent and better able to lead your children to follow Jesus. Dinner and childcare will be provided.
Discipleship Communities
June 4th-6th, 6:30-8:00pm
Dinner & childcare provided
Discipleship Communities are a once-a-month event for our small groups. Join us at the church on the night of the week your small group would typically meet for a chance to interact with other small groups, hear about the month's topic for Bible discussion in small group, worship together, and more.
Area Summer Conference
June 26th - 28th
Hosted at Vida Springs Church
Join us for our 2024 Area Summer Conference hosted by Vida Springs Church. Visit our landing page for more information, including schedule, registration link, conference theme and more. This event is for any who serve at the four churches in our area.
Created GNV Partnership
Created Gainesville Partnership
Vida Springs partners with Created Gainesville - a local, Christian-based non-profit committed to reaching women impacted by sexual exploitation in our community. Our hope is to provide Created Gainesville and the women they reach with needed supplies. If you would like to help, take a bag from our display in the lobby, fill it with the suggested items, and bring it back.